Bad Kötzting, 19. Juli 2021 – At today's Annual General Meeting in Bad Kötzting, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Erlebnis Akademie AG once again received strong support from shareholders for the company's long-term strategy. All the agenda topics put to the vote were approved by a large majority.
"The past fiscal year 2020 and the first half of 2021, during which we were basically completely closed, were extremely challenging times for Erlebnis Akademie. Our employees gave their all during this time and together successfully solved the tasks that arose against the backdrop of the pandemic," reports Christoph Blaß, CFO of Erlebnis Akademie AG. "The positive outcome of the Annual General Meeting shows once again that our shareholders have great confidence in eak's concept and are looking to the future with confidence, as we do. Last but not least, with two new openings this year, we have already shown that things are always moving forward in the Erlebnis Akademie pipeline - even in times of pandemic. Therefore, a solid capital structure, which we have been able to create in recent years, is also essential for the development of our future projects and the construction and expansion of the treetop walks."
The shareholders approved the joint proposal of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board on the appropriation of profits to carry forward the net retained profits for 2020 in the amount of EUR 4,492,017.56 to new account and to leave them in the company for further securing liquidity and for future investments in new projects. The Annual General Meeting also approved the cancellation of the existing Authorized Capital 2017/I and the simultaneous creation of new Authorized Capital 2021/I. This authorization is to be granted to the Board of Management. The Management Board is hereby authorized to increase the Company's share capital by a total of up to EUR 1,212,428.00 by issuing new shares in the period up to 2026.
With eleven treetop walks across Europe, five of which are in Germany, Erlebnis Akademie AG is the market leader in this sector. With the large number of visitors expected this summer, the company anticipates a good year in 2021, despite the pandemic-related closures until June. Work is proceeding according to plan on the current new projects in Canada and Ireland. Both treetop walks are scheduled to open next year.
In the long term, sites will be additionally expanded with extension offers, such as adventure playgrounds and gastronomy. An adventure playground was opened last week at the joint venture site in Bachledka.
Erlebnis Akademie AG
Hafenberg 4
93444 Bad Kötzting
Bayerischer Wald
T +49 9941 / 90 84 84-0
F +49 9941 / 90 84 84-84