Bad Kötzting, November 30, 2021 – In the first nine months of 2021, the Erlebnis Akademie achieved a turnover of 11.5 million euros, compared to 13.7 million euros in the previous year. The year 2021 continued to be strongly influenced by the pandemic. It led to an almost complete closure of all national and international locations for more than five months in some cases in the first half of the year. The company achieved an operating result EBIT at group level of 2.4 million euros compared to 3.0 million euros in the previous year. EBITDA for the first nine months of 2021 was €5.6 million, following to €6.0 million in the same period of the previous year.
"In the current business year, we were able to open on even fewer days than in 2020 due to the pandemic and achieved a turnover that is about 13.8% lower than last year. Under the given conditions, however, we consider these figures a success as on the one hand, we felt an extremely positive effect in the previous year due to the comprehensive relaxations after the first lockdown. On the other hand, in addition to the Corona measures, visitor numbers in 2021 were negatively affected by a series of negative weather phenomena across Europe," reports Christoph Blaß, CFO of Erlebnis Akademie AG.
Due to COVID-19, all the company's locations including the gastronomic offerings were largely closed in the first half of 2021 until June. After the reopening of all locations, significant restrictions continued to exist in the third quarter regarding distance and hygiene regulations and especially access limitations and travel restrictions. Also, the catering establishments and adventure playgrounds could not be operated at full capacity.
"The year 2021 was and still is characterised by great uncertainties. Due to the partly dramatic development of the infection figures at the beginning of the fourth quarter, we expect additional travel restrictions affecting all locations in the coming months until the end of the year and possibly beyond," says Bernd Bayerköhler, CEO of Erlebnis Akademie. "However, what we can continue to push forward are our new locations in Ireland and Canada, where we continue to see excellent prospects for the coming year. Here we are currently well on track and will thus grow by two more treetop walks in the coming year. We are also currently planning further adventure playgrounds at different locations to expand the offer once more and enrich the visitor experience. These measures can largely be driven forward according to plan, as demonstrated not least by the new openings of the treetop walks on Usedom and in Alsace in France in 2021."
Due to the uncertain pandemic situation, Erlebnis Akademie is currently unable to provide a serious revenue forecast for the full year of 2021. Based on the development of the earnings to date, a positive consolidated annual result can be expected for 2021 thanks to the measures taken. This however cannot be further quantified at the current time.
Note: The Quarterly Statement Q3/2021 is available for download on the website of the Erlebnis Akademie at www.eak-ag.de in the investors section.
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Erlebnis Akademie AG
Hafenberg 4
93444 Bad Kötzting
Bayerischer Wald
T +49 9941 / 90 84 84-0
F +49 9941 / 90 84 84-84