The Treetop Walk Alsace in Drachenbronn has been welcoming visitors since 22 May. The opening ceremony, which was cancelled due to Corona, has now been made up for.
Drachenbronn, 19.07.2021 – Last Friday, the Treetop Walk Alsace invited guests, representatives from politics and administration as well as companies involved in the construction to the festive inauguration. Although the treetop walk already opened its doors to guests for the first time at the end of May, it had to postpone its opening event due to Corona.
The official inauguration of the 10th path of the Erlebnis Akademie AG finally took place with a festive ceremony. In his words of welcome, Bernd Bayerköhler, CEO, reviewed the time leading up to the opening: "We had been looking for a location in France for several years. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the ideal place for a long time. Two years ago, however, we succeeded in finding an ideal environment and committed partners here in Drachenbronn. We are now pleased to have gained a foothold in France and to have taken a first step towards further development with the Treetop Walk Alsace."
The words of Bernd Bayerköhler were followed by speeches by Serge Strappazon (President of the Community of Communes of the Pays de Wissembourg), Frédéric Reiss (député du Bas-Rhin), Evelyne Isinger (Conseillère régionale de la région Grand-Est déléguée aux transports transfrontaliers) and Stéphanie Kochert (2ème présidente de la communauté des communes du pays de Wissembourg). Josiane Chevalier (Préfète de la région Grand-Est et du Bas-Rhin) had the last word. All welcomed the participants, thanked those involved in the project and emphasised in their speeches the importance of this new tourist leisure facility for the entire region.
After the opening speeches, the treetop walk team invited the guests to take a walk together along the 1,050-metre-long path. The invitees tested the self-built learning and adventure stations along the walk, which provide additional entertainment. Already on the path, the guests were impressed by the very special view and excitedly climbed the 29-metre high observation tower, the highlight of the facility, and once at the top enthusiastically enjoyed the spectacular 360-degree panoramic view over the Rhine plain, the Black Forest and the Northern Vosges. A relaxed walk down the tower led to the celebration of the opening afterwards.
A few days earlier, representatives from the tourism sector, the press and local partner companies had the opportunity to test the treetop walk experience and get to know the new tourist facility during a visit.
This project receives a grant of €200,000 from the Grand Est Region.
For more information on the Treetop Walk Alsace, go to
Press releases to download:
Opening Celebration of the Treetop Walk Alsace
Inauguration festive du Chemin des Cimes Alsace
Erlebnis Akademie AG
Hafenberg 4
93444 Bad Kötzting
Bayerischer Wald
T +49 9941 / 90 84 84-0
F +49 9941 / 90 84 84-84