Here you will find the latest press releases and news about the Sentier des cimes Laurentides.
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More information on the Sentier des cimes Laurentides is available on its website:
The Sentier des cimes Laurentides has won the Prix Excellence Plein air 2023 in the categorie Innovation and Development.
Ms. Kathy Poulin, outgoing mayor of the village of Val-David, and Mr. Jean Sébastien Thibault are proud to announce that they are joining Mr. Nicolas Joly, general director of the Sentier des cimes Laurentides, to contribute to the success of this exceptional project and to anchor it in the region's strengths.
Good news from Laurentides! After a Covid19-related break, planning for the first treetop walk in the Canadian province of Québec will be resumed.
On Sunday, January 26, the MRC des Laurentides and EAK Tree Top Walks inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Erlebnis Akademie AG (EAK), a forward-thinking German company, signed a lease for twenty (20) years to give a second life to the former fish farm located in Saint Faustin–Lac-Carré.
Erlebnis Akademie AG
Hafenberg 4
93444 Bad Kötzting
Bayerischer Wald
T +49 9941 / 90 84 84-0
F +49 9941 / 90 84 84-84